Kobaj chases after a shooting star.
Artist: Godbird
Date: Tue Feb 06 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Commission Time: 7 months
adventure artwork asset clouds mirage projection sky storm story wind
A large storm loomed in the distance, threatening the fennec's mission. Although he couldn't tune out the heavy scent of impending rain, and his large sensitive ears quivered and folded back with each far-off clap of thunder, his dark beady eyes never wavered. Staring almost straight up, he searched between the clouds in hopes of even the slightest glimpse of her.

The fox cursed himself for not being more prepared. A shiver ran up his tail and he pulled his jacket a little tighter around himself before adjusting his glasses. The goggles he wore overlayed a constellation of arcs and lines onto his vision. Glittery green projections of orbits and trajectories that looked as if they were part of the sky itself. All these equations and numbers told him she was up there, somewhere.

But it had been days, maybe even a week since the last sighting. The fennec was growing tired, and it almost felt like his equipment was too. Each new estimate that it calculated had a higher standard deviation than the last. An increased error bound that seemed even more threatening than the impending storm. She could be off track by miles.

Then, just as the setting sun crept past the horizon and shadows cast upon the grassy land, a streak of light shot across the sky. A satellite flare. For a second everything stood still. The fox held his breath, waiting for the new orbit to be calculated. Seconds later his goggles chimed with the update. This was different. The results showed a re-entry flight path. There she was, but with a touch down ETA of 50 minutes!

The fennec threw off his headset and bounded forward, quickly falling into a run. Rain began to pour down all around, making each step of his paw pads more difficult as the earth grew muddy and wet. All he had to do was reach the rendezvous point. Lightning struck a tree nearby and the immediate boom of thunder made his fur stand on end. He could make it and guide her home. Wind whipped and howled all around, pushing him back as if the storm itself was intent on stopping him. Despite everything he kept moving forward, determined to save her.